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A dark paranormal universe populated by demons, weres, Djinn, and other supernaturals. Includes the incubus series and standalones.
Get ready for angst on an epic scale.
Characters flow between books, some are standalones, some are within series.
The one thing they have in common is this guy (sometimes girl) Arioch, a vengeance Demon.
And he's as much fun as he looks!
Emma Note: Suggestions for future DeMMonica stories are always appreciated. Dragons? Ghosts, imps, weather mages? Let me know what you prefer.
Incubus Series
7 Books
Stand Alones
2 Books
Festive Djinn
3 Books
Suggested Reading Order
(not timeline)
Incubus Seduction
Incubus Possession
Incubus Pain
Incubus Trial
Incubus Freedom
Incubus Revived
Vascellum Revenge
Pied Piper
Wishing For Coal
Christmas in July
Naughty or Nice
Reading Order
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