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The Beginning

Call Girls #1

Having a decent, hard-working and not to mention good looking boyfriend, who was willing to finance your way through university was what every young woman should be ecstatic about according to Sasha’s parents and the angel on her shoulder. The devil on the other side was cheering on the naughty, lingerie loving part of her that was lapping up the attention from the womanising, smoking hot half-brother of her best friend, but risking her education and her parents’ disappointment for pleasure wasn't going to happen. When a surprise visit shows her a whole new side to Mr Sensible, she decides she needs a little educational help from a friend.

Warning this novella contains graphic adult material with a Friends That Fuck theme.
Prequel to Call Girls Series.
Word count: 28K
Genre: m/f Erotica, HFN ending
Author's Note: Sasha's story continues in Max's Good Deed, Sasha, and concludes in Nick.
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